Buy Chemical Suit
Engineered to be one of the most durable, longest-lasting, and most flexible hazmat suit solutions on the market today, the MIRA Safety HAZ-SUIT provides comprehensive protection from a whole universe of CBRN agents and gives you a practical solution for decades to come.
Our HAZ-SUIT fabric is made from a durable, puncture-resistant film composite with an excellent barrier to over 125 chemicals, including chemical warfare agents (CWA) and toxic industrial chemicals (TIC).
This military hazmat suit is used extensively by major fire departments for hazmat response, major hospitals for emergency preparedness, major chemical companies for a wide range of potential hazmat exposures, and most US Military branches (Department of Defense, DoD).
The fabric of this hazmat suit has been subjected to a variety of long-term storage conditions and exhibits no degradation in performance over time when stored properly in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. That means it could last for decades or longer without compromising on protection.
The MIRA Safety HAZ-SUIT is ideal for demanding hazardous applications with the potential for chemical splash, even in significant exposure scenarios. Increased physical strength and even broader chemical holdout take the protection level of this fabric up a serious notch.
Our HAZ-SUIT is a Level C hazmat suit (when worn with a standard air-purifying respirator or PAPR, it is a Level B hazmat suit when worn with an SCBA system) available in six sizes to comfortably fit every member of your family or group and provide full-body protection from up to 8 hours of direct exposure to some of the deadliest chemical, radioactive (alpha particles), and toxic agents in the world today.
MIRA Safety is not aware of an accepted or universal industry standard for determining the shelf life of hazmat suits or chemical-barrier fabrics. Shelf life is typically based on the expectation of products or materials to degrade or lose effectiveness over a period of time.
This conclusion is based on HAZ-SUIT fabric naturally aged over twenty years. A coverall using the twenty-year-old HAZ-SUIT fabric was tested against the ASTM F1001 list of twenty-one chemicals with no breakthrough in >480 minutes.
Chemical suits contain components made from various polymer or rubber materials for which there is no shelf life data available. Therefore, the garments may be used as long as they are deemed safe after a visual inspection and, in the case of vapor protective (Level A) garments, after passing the ASTM F1052 pressure test. It is recommended that suits are downgraded to training use only when they no longer pass visual inspection and/or pressure testing.
It is the wearer's responsibility to ensure that all components, including fabric, valves, visors, gloves, zippers, seams, and suit-to-component interfaces, are in good working condition and provide adequate protection for the conditions and chemicals to be encountered. Any suit that does not pass the visual and/or pressure test should be immediately removed from service.
Make sure to keep a close eye on children wearing the HAZ-SUIT. Considering the non-breathable nature of the material (a result of keeping contaminants out), it can get hot while wearing the suit and can cause overheating or dehydration. If your child looks like they are overheating at any time, it is important to evacuate to safety and remove the suit as soon as possible to avoid injury or death. It is up to the guardians of children to determine when wearing the HAZ-SUIT is no longer safe, and guardians accept all responsibility for necessary training.
The HAZ-SUIT is designed with an elastic hood, wrists, and ankles. When coupled with hazmat gloves, a gas mask, and hazmat boots, the level of vapors and gases that enter the suit would be limited but not eliminated.
As these systems are costly, they may not be practical for agencies and civilians to stock for emergency preparation. Make sure to read up on skin-absorbing gases and vapors when deciding to purchase any hazmat suit.
This suit will protect against alpha and beta radiation, but not gamma. The only thing that can protect against gamma is time, distance, and shielding. However, this fabric is rated to protect against chemical warfare agents.
This product listing is just for the suit. So long as the HAZ-Suit is used alongside other protective equipment, and used per best practices, it will protect your skin from coming into contact with viral agents.
All hazmat suits are considered disposable products. For expert users, they may be decontaminated and reused under certain conditions, but for novice users, this is not recommended as improper use can lead to injury or death. Hazmat suits cannot be washed in the same way you wash clothing.
There is an elastic band that helps the suit hug closer to the face, wrists, and ankles. We would suggest coupling this suit with Kappler Chemtape to create a tighter seal, as per hazmat best practices.
Please carefully read through the product description for the complete size guide. Please note that chest and hip measurements are not taken into account when making HAZ-Suits. They're intentionally made to fit baggy. It's sort of a one-size-fits-all kind of product where there's a bit of breathing room inside the suit. They are not meant to fit perfectly into the wearer's actual measurements.
Please consider the following when determining if this product is safe for children:(1) The HAZ-Suit will raise core body temperature as it blocks airflow. Make sure to check on children frequently as they wear this product to ensure that they are comfortable and of sound body/mind. Also, make sure that the child is properly hydrated before putting the suit on, as most children's masks do not offer hydration systems.(2) Donning (putting on) personal protective equipment requires training. It is the responsibility of the child's legal guardian to acquire the training necessary to use any products listed on the MIRA Safety website.(3) This hazmat suit is not a toy, and children must be closely monitored while wearing the suit. DO NOT leave your child alone with the suit, or allow them to use it outside of adult supervision.(4) Communicate with your child continuously as they don any products on the MIRA Safety website, including the HAZ-Suit, to make sure that they are comfortable.(5) You should fit your child for the HAZ-Suit to make sure the size is appropriate. It is also important to train with this product beforehand to ensure that users get an understanding of how it feels to wear this product over time. If you have any questions about product safety, please email us at before using the HAZ-Suit, or any other product listed on the MIRA Safety website.
We've recently launched our own line of gloves to pair with the suit (click here for the link to the HAZ-Gloves). It has been proven to provide more than 150 minutes of protection from corrosive CBRN threats. Please carefully read through the product description for specific lead times.The boots, however, is still under development and we currently don't have an estimate for when it'll be available. Feel free to sign up for our newsletters to get periodic updates on upcoming products.
Chemical protective suits are required in many service and manufacturing industries where employees are exposed to hazardous materials. Chemical protective clothing can make a real difference in protecting workers from hazardous particles, dust, aerosols, and liquids in the agricultural sector when pesticides are sprayed, during structural renovations where mold or asbestos is present, during the manufacture of light bulbs, electronics, and many other consumer products, and of course in chemical facilities, hospitals, pharmaceuticals manufacturing, and especially in the petrochemical industry.
It can be difficult to choose the best coverall for the job. Over-protection means paying more than what's necessary to protect workers, and under-protection can leave an employee with an unexpected injury and your business with a possible liability claim. Additionally, you will want to choose a chemical protection suit that doesn't leave workers exposed to heat stress and provides a full range of motion for productivity and overall efficiency.
It is important to first know what type of chemicals workers may be exposed to along with the concentration levels to determine the type of chemical coverall required. Some chemicals have just one hazard, such as being a suspected carcinogen. But more often, workplace chemicals can pose multiple safety hazards including skin or mucous membrane irritation, sensitization (as with an allergic reaction), or a physical hazard such as skin burns, or being flammable or corrosive. OSHA outlines the 4 levels of personal protection equipment or PPE that can be used to determine.
OSHA has established these guidelines in conjunction with data for Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) to protect workers against the health effects of exposure to hazardous substances. When purchasing a chemical coverall, many manufacturers will label them with the OSHA Hazmat designated Level A through Level D of protection that the coverall will provide.
Another way to determine if the chem suit will meet your employee's exposure level is to consider the CE marking or chemical suit type classification included on the PPE label. The six classes (1-6) start with a basic level Type 6 protective garment, which is used in Level D circumstances where nuisance dust and dirt are present. Chemical resistant coveralls are a Type 6 garment that can be paired with gloves and safety shoes to enhance worker safety.
A fully encapsulated chemical coverall for Level A hazards would be classified as a Type 1 chem suit. The manufacturer should provide a chemical resistance list and a list of the tests passed for the design and style of the coverall in question. By far, the most widely used chem suits for manufacturing processes and industrial hazardous services are typically a Level 3 or a Level 4 chemical coverall. 59ce067264